It's Friday, which normally means FUNNNNN! (Okay, actually, it normally means an hour on the couch being soothed by my therapist--hey, I'm a New Yorker born and raised--a light dinner, a long walk and then a whiskey before bed so that I can be properly geared up for Saturday and Sunday fun!) But today is different. It's about 85 degrees of pure humidity here in Chicago, and I'm slated to work not only tonight, but all day tomorrow as well. This is the time of year when 9 to 5 turns into 7:30 to whenever I fall on my face from exhaustion the next day.

This Tolga bed, from IKEA, is controversial among consumers (and, really, is that a mattress or a napkin? Gahd.) but I admit that I think the design is fun and inspires other sculptural possibilities for me, like mobiles and lamps.
Maybe I should have named this post "Hot & Bothered Child in the City"...
So today, in terms of design, I'm thinking rest. Just looking at some of these goodies makes me curse my office & its fluorscent lights accentuating my dark-circled, lackluster complexion. Sigh.
But these pillows!
They're from Bonjour Mon Coussin, which, hands down, showcases the BEST PILLOWS I HAVE EVER SEEN. They cost a bunch of Euros, but, whatevs! Ooh la la!
Thinking about pillows of course has me thinking about beds. Right now I sleep on queen futon with a super comfy spring mattress. It's not the prettiest form of bedding, but it has a black iron frame and is covered with blankets and pillows in varying shades of pink. Since I live in such a small studio, the bed really is the focal point. Which for me, is appropriate. I mean, hey, I'm the girl who had a pink neon sign that read "Trust Me" above her headboard while in college. True story.
Sly perviness aside (sorta), I do like a bed that makes a statement. I cannot stand Laura Ashley-type numbers done up with stiff floral duvets and brass frames. I want something inviting but modern--good, cozy fun.
This Tolga bed, from IKEA, is controversial among consumers (and, really, is that a mattress or a napkin? Gahd.) but I admit that I think the design is fun and inspires other sculptural possibilities for me, like mobiles and lamps.
And then there's the Muir Bed, from Amenity Home. It's hard to picture winter right now, but this seems like the perfect bed to nurse one through a cold, or to spend a Sunday watching movies (Woody Allen marathon??) in. 
Not to mention the fact that this lovely sleep station looks like it can handle a lot more in the way of, shall we say, indoor sports...
Maybe I should have named this post "Hot & Bothered Child in the City"...
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