I probably spend more time at my desk than anywhere else in my bedroom, including my bed. And while I am aware that most experts (Ahem, RealSimple) say you should separate your work space from your living and sleep spaces, I will probably never be able to afford an apartment that includes a home office. That said, I sorta love the idea of having a communal workspace in a common area. Even if it is only used for bills and craft projects and, let's face it, a minibar, I think it adds a lot to the utility of a living room. While perusing the new Crate & Barrel catalogue, I went cuckoo for cocoa puffs over their new Convertible Compact Desk. In a small living room, it can resemble a simple chest of drawers but slide out the top panel and Holy Bejesus Batman! It's a desk!!
It almost temps me to start saving my pennies. Almost.
Image: Crate & Barrel
I tend to like a desk IN my bedroom. My credibility in this area may be diminished once I reveal that I, in fact, currently live in a studio and therefore, EVERYTHING is in my bedroom... but typically, I like to work in my own little private space.
That said, I do LOVE the idea of a communal workspace in the common area. This is genius because it separates personal "work" (our writing--which we can do in our own spaces) from joint ventures (bills, magazines, recipes, plans & schemes, etc) and would probably reduce a lot of clutter. This communal workspace should also house a working antique typewriter. 'Cause I said!
Antique typewriter! Done! but only if it is light blue or mint green.
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