For the past 9 months or so, I've been obsessed with a rug I basically made up. It is a Persian style rug except instead of boring neutrals and burgundy and olive greens, it has hyper-saturated jewel tones. I've actually found a few of them but they are always part of the decor in a store that has little to do with rugs. I found a slightly faded version in Brooklyn Industries while I was trying on men's hats and a bubble-gum pink variation a Juicy Couture at the mall in New Jersey. Fueled with passion and a little boredom (my friend was trying on a million dresses), I told the sales girl I was a designer and then asked the manager to find out where they bought the rugs. Alas, they were 'vintage' and 'the home office takes care of all that'.
Today I was perusing
Design Sponge and my heart basically stopped, flipped over, and then threatened to do the mambo when this rug hit the screen. It's everything I want: vibrant and bold yet still a little traditional and thin enough to avoid vigilant vacuuming. I envision a danish modern coffee table, a small tree where I could hang some random handmade ornaments, some pin-stripe curtains and a neutral couch with round tufted pillows.
Hanna hates rugs because her old apartment had floor-to-ceiling carpeting and so her first instinct is to cringe and avoid rugs altogether. We have one old rug in our sad little living room and it is currently covered in dust and cat hair because we don't use the room too much at the moment. (No couch and tv = entire seasons of
The Office on
hulu at our kitchen table.) Nevertheless I am determined to convince Hanna not to hate on rugs- even if I have to tie her down, make her watch
Aladdin and pretend the damn rug can fly!
This particular magical rug resides in the gorgeous home of Jorey Hurley, which is a featured 'sneak peek' on
Design Sponge today. Check it out and marvel at the superb dining room gallery she created as well as the many fun prints she designed with
Hable Construction.
Ps. Also I like her dog named Biscuit.
Image: Jorey Hurley via
Design Sponge