Last night I added an extra blanket to my bed and slept under the covers so it is officially Fall in my book. Now that the air has changed, I can commence my annual bout of summer nostalgia. My favorite part of this particular summer vacation was a short trip I took to Maine. During my stay I did a lot of things. I sat on display furniture and considered owning a cherub-laden settee, I walked across a terrifying bridge at night with the Winslow 7 waiting to stare me down on the other end, I drank Gin and Lemonade and read decorating books to my heart's content, and last but certainly not least, I ate a lot of food. (Nothing new here) Most of it involved blueberries--I felt it was appropriate for both the locale and the season.
One culinary delight I did not consume is a Whoopie Pie! Inherently stylish and oh-so-yummy, this precursor to all things Little Debbie was in abundant supply in Waterville and the surrounding towns. I saw some that were about as big as my head. I probably would have eaten the entire thing and felt sick the entire trip home but nonetheless, I am yearning for one now. Luckily, Martha Stewart can provide us with the perfect recipe straight from Maine's Cranberry Island Kitchen!
oh man, we so narrowly avoided our fates at the hands of the Winslow 7. I am so excited for your next foray into country road trips, I wonder where you could go that would possibly be as cool as Waterville, ME...maybe Northampton, MA?
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