So sorry for the long break dearies. Things got a bit out of control with the state of my internet connection. Plus, all the premieres had me very busy indeed. (OMFG
Kath & Kim have animal print EVERYTHING)
Now that we are back on track, I want to point out the brilliant blue carpet in Andrew Beer's home. I love it. I want RIGHT NOW. In fact, the more I stare at the photograph, there isn't much that I don't love in this room. An entrant in Point Click Home's
Happy Chic Home Contest, Beer's bold use of color is pure genius--the room somehow still seems understated despite the bright carpet, pink chair and fur throw.
I love how the pink in the windows echos the chair nearby, the blue carpet is reflected in the steel legs of the desk as well as the glass vase and books on the mantle, and the dark plum color in the fireplace is matched with the large vase above. All this is balanced out by the strikingly delicate mirror above the mantle and the quietly neutral books on the two bookcases.
Check out the winners of the contest, judged by my secret boyfriend Jonathan Adler