We are finally starting our major apartment overhaul! The first step was painting the living room (more on that debacle later) and the second step will be tackling our wall art situation. Last night we discussed the pig sty that is currently our kitchen.
Our kitchen poses many problems. It is a large room with a big open space in the middle. We have reserved one short wall for a wide kitchen cart to hold our toaster oven and other small appliances. Our round kitchen table resides in a dark corner that is in desperate need of a wall-sconce or lamp. I am considering an open bookcase for the other corner, which would house our cookbooks and pretty bake ware. The problem with our kitchen is the one long wall that leads to the door. Theoretically, we should be able to separate the space into the 'entryway' and the 'kitchen area'. But that is easier said than done, especially since the fridge is right next to the door. The trick, I think, is to figure out a way to separate the two spaces without interrupting the flow of the room. (Sorry to be all 'zen' but it cannot be helped.)
I was perusing the Design*Sponge offerings today and I think this new line by
Lene Toni Kjeld would be a perfect way to transition from entryway to eatery while still maintaining two distinct areas. A colorful console/umbrella stand combo could brighten the white while the delicate silver design would soften our bulky wood table. It also looks great with bright yellow, which is a color I am considering painting our dining room chairs!
Lene Toni Kjeld via