My current roommate is studying to be a pastry chef at the French Culinary Institute. This means I get to eat pastries like everyday. Literally, every damn day. I walk in the door and there is a tart on my countertop. Or cookies on my desk. Or a freaking pie in my refrigerator with a giant sign that says 'Mia you will eat me or you will DIE'. By the time she gets her certificate, I will have an extra five inches of ass thanks to her delectable delights. What I love most about said roommate is the fact that when I ask her what she is going to be making next she gives me not only the name of the tasty treat but also the French translation, every single ingredient and sometimes she will recite the whole recipe from memory. My favorite is when she shows me the little recipe cards.
Recipe cards look like a foreign language to me. They are like Will Hunting's complex chalkboard equations. They have strange sounding ingredients like 'cream of tartar' (wtf?) and 'trimoline' (sounds like a diet pill.) They challenge me not to mix up 'Tbsp' with 'tsp'. Also, cracking eggs scare me. But I digress...
I like the look of recipes on this matte chalkboard wall. I'd like to think I'd write very complicated recipes in bright colors so my guests would think I am an expert baker but in reality I'm pretty sure I'd write notes to myself like the post it that was stuck to my wall a few days ago.
Sigh. I am so classy.
In other news, I also love the chair rail, the simple dining set, the open shelves and (big surprise) the pink hydrangea. So basically I love everything about this picture and want it all.